zondag 23 februari 2020

Real Life of Talon - Bitches Be Crazy!!!

So this morning right, currently admitted to Crazytown... This fucked up retard ass motherfucker with a Diablo tattoo in his neck became violent. This guy next to me right, says to the crazy bitch, so you're 24 y/o, you could have been my daughter while being 50 something himself. To which I said, and the nurse then, she's 26 y/o, could't she have been your daughter as well. This retard Diablo tattoo motherfucker picks up a can filled with oatmeal and tries to crush my head in saying I was talking about his 2 y/o baby, the table moved and the 50 something man got an injured knee. So I called the popo since there ain't enough security here, the nurses take over the call and hung up. I then started to explain to the male nurse that they be giving positive re-enforcements of bad behavior and this crazy bitch started saying that I was sexually assaulting her, man I wouldn't even want to touch that crazy bitch with a stick. Anyways, I'm filled with adrenaline now…

Did come up with a rap verse though… Shank a shiv, shank a shiv, bitch you ain't gonna liv..

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