dinsdag 11 februari 2020

Disturbed Animals (LiVE) - Rabid Dogs [021120-02]

Welcome to a Live episode of Channel One's Disturbed Animals where we put the spotlight on wild animals that show disturbing behaviour. Here's your favorite host!!! [Talon] Welcome dear viewer, please be seated while watching this program and make sure your children do not watch this show! Chaniqua has the inside scoop on this one so let's switch to her right now… [Chaniqua] Thank you Talon! Today a pack of wild rabid autistic psychotic halucinating german shepherds who were undergoing police dog training escaped and are now roaming through the city foaming at the mouth. People are advised to stay inside. [Talon] This is sounding more like an official government warning, hey wait a minute... My neighbour's kid is currently walking his dog, I gotta call my neighbour… *Talon calls his neighbour* [Neighbour Keith] Hello, this is Keith speaking, with whom do I have the pleasure? [Talon] No time for that… [Keith] Oh hey, it's you Ta... [Talon] Yes, yes it's me, is your son still outside? [Keith] Yes, why? [Talon] Well, we're currently doing a live recording Disturbed Animals and a pack of wild rabid autistic psychotic halucinating german shepherds are on the loose and to my calculation they will possibly reach your son within five minutes... [Keith] What, a pack of wild rabid autistic psychotic halucinating german shepherds are on the loose and they might reach my sons location within the next five minutes? [Talon] Yes, and they're foaming at the mouth, so you better be quick… *Click* [Talon] Well, there you have it people. Stay inside, and if you see the pack, please call 1-800-EMERGENCY. And now we go to a commercial break!

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